Build internal leadership capacity with resident facilitators focusing on leader behaviour across all levels of the school
School Leader Inventory (SLi)
The education terrain is evolving rapidly and will continue to do so for the forseeable future. Strong leadership in education is now more important than ever to minimize the educational impact of the consequences of the global pandemic on students and staff, and this increasingly demands agility supported by new thinking, original solutions and ground-breaking approaches. Acknowledging the need to address this, Novus Consulting Group have partnered with Dr Lesley Hunter - founder of the School Leader Inventory (SLi) - to support strategic leaders in developing and embedding sustainable leadership behaviour in their own schools.
The SLi is a suite of resources to help schools accelerate development, improve performance and maintain the well-being of critical leaders. The core resource of a research-based behavioural framework is supported by an online diagnostic and benchmarked reporting instrument – all of which are available FREE OF CHARGE to help schools to establish a shared vocabulary for leaders. Schools that have adopted and used the SLi in this way have seen it drive and accelerate school improvement, develop authenticity in their school self-evaluation and improve external inspection ratings.
Find out more about the SLi
The full power of the SLi is unleashed when schools invest in training some of their in-house staff as Resident SLi Facilitators. This online program provides access to a toolkit of additional resources and builds internal capacity within a school to use the SLi to support peer coaching, ongoing professional development, self-evaluation and school improvement agendas.
Information on training as a Resident SLi Facilitator
Course Highlights
Developed by internationally recognized leadership expert
Backed by extensive research and benchmarking with school leaders
Designed to build internal capacity and sustainability in school leadership teams
Training for internal staff to establish resident facilitators
Stimulating materials designed to support school self-evaluation and improvement
Blended program integrating online learning and SLi community-based resources
Benchmark your behavior against over 600 other school leaders